Educator-Researcher Connect – for tinkering

Educator-Researcher Connect – for tinkering

Teachers, interested to be part of an education research project with experts from the field?

Educator-Researcher Connect (ER Connect) is a platform that aims to bridge researchers from the National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore and local teachers in an effort to deepen, enhance and advance education research in Singapore. If you are interested to collaborate and be part of any NIE research project(s) listed below, based on your school’s or your needs, please get in touch with the relevant Principal Investigator directly

For inquiries on ER Connect, email:

All students participating in a research project will be provided with a letter of consent. Their parents or guardian will need to acknowledge and provide consent for their ward's participation.

While we hope that participants can commit throughout the duration of the project (which differs from project to project), we also understand that circumstances may not allow for that to happen. As such, if you absolutely need to withdraw your participation from the project, please inform the relevant Principal Investigator and they will do the necessary.



Project Title Detail Principal Investigator




Values Education

Constructing values – Meanings and implications for practice in Singapore’s preschool education curriculum

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Dr Sandra Wu


Mechanisms underlying numeral ordering skills in children

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Dr David Munez


Words in two languages: Fostering vocabulary development in kindergarten children through synchronized bilingual reading programme 

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Dr Sun Baoqi

Primary/ Secondary

Professional Learning

Characterising situated professional learning in schools: Contexts, approaches and perspectives

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Dr Lee Shu Shing



Character Citizenship Education

Dialogism for a research-practice partnership for character citizenship education

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Dr Andrew Joseph Pereira

Mathematics and Language

Self-beliefs, well-being, motivation, and perceived social contexts of students in the ability streaming and full subject-based banding: Considering subject specificity and time point effects

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Dr Gregory Arief D Liem


Updated 28 Dec 2022

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