OER 09/22 GADL

OER 09/22 GADL

Self-beliefs, well-being, motivation, and perceived social contexts of students in the ability streaming and full subject-based banding: Considering subject specificity and time point effects

Project ID: OER 09/22 GADL
Subject area: Mathematics and Language
Principal Investigator: Dr Gregory Arief D. Liem
Email: gregory.liem@nie.edu.sg

About the project

In March 2019, Mr. Ong Yee Kung, the then Minister for Education, announced the systemic move towards the nationwide implementation of Full Subject-Based Banding (FSBB) in Singapore’s secondary education starting from 2024. The shift to FSBB, currently piloted in 59 schools across the island, has been considered as a way of reducing the stigmatization and ‘labeling’ effects among lower-ability stream students in the current non-subject specific ability streaming system. This is because FSBB allows students to study different subjects at different levels or bands. Specifically, the subjects that students may take up in FSBB are differentiated into three academic bands, G1, G2, and G3 (G standing for General), which are equivalent to the curricula of the NT, NA, and Express courses, respectively.

The aim of the proposed research is to examine the self-beliefs, academic motivation, well-being as well as perceptions of sociocontextual experiences and environments of students taking G1, G2, and G3 as well as students in the current streaming in their Math and English classes. While the ability streaming is phased out and eventually abolished, there is a need to examine how the self-beliefs, well-being, and academic motivation of students in the streaming system and FSBB context differ. 

Looking for   
  • Secondary school teachers and students
    What will be expected of you 
    • Students are expected to complete an online survey at the beginning and end of the school year
    • Some of these students as well as a Math and English Language teacher will be interviewed online
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