In Their Own Words
issue 85 jun 2023

The Professional Learning Journey

The biennial Teachers’ Conference and ExCEL Fest (TCEF) organized by the Academy of Singapore Teachers provides an opportunity for local teachers to come together and celebrate the spirit of professional learning, as well as for them to learn, connect and engage with esteemed thought leaders and practitioners to explore possibilities for the future of learning. One of the main objectives of TCEF is to reinforce the fraternity’s emphasis on lifelong learning, and we took the opportunity to ask two TCEF teacher participants to share their thoughts on the importance for both teachers and students to adopt a future-ready mindset.


How do you motivate and encourage yourself to adopt a lifelong learning attitude to develop professionally?

Having a positive and growth mindset is certainly key to adopting a lifelong learning attitude. Lifelong learning not only brings personal fulfilment and satisfaction but also empowers me to develop myself professionally, focusing on my growth rather than catering to others’ expectations. It is essential to make time and space for learning because it won’t happen unless I prioritize it.

Staying updated with changes in the educational landscape and engaging in discussions with colleagues are other important aspects. The Academy of Singapore Teachers (AST) regularly sends informative emails about the latest Teacher-Led Workshops, which provide valuable learning opportunities through sessions conducted by fellow educators. Lifelong learning doesn’t always require enrolling in formal courses; I can deepen my knowledge by listening to podcasts, reading educational research, or exploring classroom inquiry. The English Language Institute of Singapore (ELIS) offers abundant resources specifically designed to support the professional development of English Language teachers. These resources are easily accessible, allowing me to learn at my own pace and fit learning into my busy schedule.

By motivating myself and adopting a growth mindset, I can enhance my knowledge and skills, such as learning how to create a Google site or use Nearpod (an interactive student engagement platform). This increased proficiency can boost my self-confidence both personally and professionally. Personally, the satisfaction derived from dedicating time and effort to learning and improvement instils a sense of accomplishment. Professionally, self-confidence arises from the trust that I have in my knowledge and my ability to apply what I have learned.

Open Classroom and Peer Observation

At Kranji Primary School, open classroom sessions and peer observation play significant roles in my professional development. Attending open classroom sessions provides me with an opportunity to develop a genuine curiosity and thirst for knowledge by observing my colleagues’ lessons. Peer observation, on the other hand, fosters collaboration and collegiality which enables me to transfer skills with my colleagues and acquire new strategies in real-time. Engaging in this reflective practise strengthens my classroom practises by tapping into the expertise of my peers in a non-judgmental and safe environment. I can engage in discussions with my colleagues and mutually decide on the focus area, such as differentiated instruction, e-pedagogy or assessment for learning.

How do you motivate and encourage other fellow educators to do the same?

Build a Support Network

Surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals who value lifelong learning is crucial. Learning can occur in various settings, including both formal and informal ones. Informal opportunities, such as engaging in discussions with colleagues in the staff room, can initiate conversations that contribute to teacher professional development. These conversations can involve independent research, investigation, and peer learning initiatives.

Set Clear Goals

Defining specific goals and objectives is essential to ignite one’s professional development journey. The ability to learn is what fosters personal growth and development. Engaging in professional learning time can provide an avenue to discuss with colleagues on their interest in learning new skills to enhance their competencies. By establishing clear goals, teachers gain a sense of direction and purpose, which in turn facilitates motivation. It is important to encourage asking questions, seeking out new perspectives, and exploring diverse sources of information to stimulate intellectual curiosity. These actions empower educators to improve their skills, leading to enhanced student outcomes and curriculum innovation.

Dare to Venture Beyond their Comfort Zones

Teachers possess extensive expertise and diverse perspectives, and it is crucial for them to take the first step in venturing beyond their comfort zones. Encouraging them to have open communication with school leaders and reporting officers regarding their professional development aspirations, such as participating in Teacher Work Attachment (TWA) for a few weeks, can be beneficial. I think recognizing and acknowledging teachers’ viewpoints is important, as it demonstrates that their voices are heard and valued, contributing to a collaborative and trusting work environment.


It is vital to remember that adopting a lifelong learning attitude professionally is an ongoing journey. Making a commitment to engage in new learning initiatives is the final and most important step, which must be followed through. By staying committed, being open to new opportunities, and embracing the joy of learning, individuals can continue their professional growth throughout their careers.


How do you motivate and encourage yourself and other fellow educators to adopt a lifelong learning attitude to develop professionally?

Our own capabilities define the quality of the lessons we design. In a geographical investigation lesson conducted for a Secondary 3 class at the start of this year, I was reviewing the answers of students presented on Padlet (software to make and share content) and came across an almost perfectly crafted one. As I was praising that group for their outstanding work, they smiled sheepishly. After I probed deeper on a particular point, they shrugged their shoulders and responded with “I don’t know”. That was when another student in class blurted out, “Must be ChatGPT la!” The rate of adoption of new and emerging technology had caught me off guard. This lesson had resulted in dissonance within me and strengthened my conviction to level myself up in this new technology and seek ways to harness it as a teacher in the modern-day classroom.  

At TCEF2023 which I attended recently, I was once again confronted with the importance of adopting a lifelong learning attitude. Minister Chan encouraged educators to overcome our finite resources by achieving more impact with more focus. This idea resonated so much with me for it is not about doing more with less, which some of us had thought is the way forward; but rather about being more intentional to lend greater focus to certain areas to do it well and achieve the intended impact. How can one do it effectively or even know how to go about doing it, without keeping ourselves abreast with the latest development and sharpening our saw?  

We have heard much about the world reaching an inflection point and with the rise of the affordances of technology, including Artificial Intelligence. The skillsets that we have acquired yesterday will not enable us to sufficiently prepare our students for the ever-changing world of work. As educators, we all want to help our students to be the best that they can be. I reckon that one of the best ways for us, educators, to achieve our personal best to be able to add value to the lives of our students is to keep on learning and honing our craft throughout our career!  

This starts today, not tomorrow. Ask ourselves: What is one thing we can do better each day? 

What are some beliefs that you think are important for students to adopt in the classroom and beyond? Why? 

In recent years, as I see the world and the job market becoming increasingly unpredictable – tasks are being digitized and automated, new knowledge replacing the old at exponential rate, new and unheard jobs are being created everyday, I started to feel a little worried for my students who will enter the workforce in 3 to 5 years’ time! I questioned myself what it is that my students need in order to thrive in this VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) world and I came to the conclusion that it has to be a growth mindset!  

My school recently celebrated the Annual Awards day in May. Like many schools, we gave out the All-Round Excellence awards, of which this segment would always make all of us brim with pride. I know that it is not so much due to the students’ good performance, but that behind each of these faces, we know that not all of them were posted in with the highest PSLE T-score, some of them had a more complex background, while others were faced with different challenges. But each of them outdid themselves by overcoming these obstacles. They did not allow their past circumstances to define them. They possessed a growth mindset, one which made them believe that their intelligence, talent and outcomes can be improved with practice and effort. 

Even more recently, I am heartened to hear about the progress Singaporean students have made in the latest PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) results in the area of growth mindset from Mr Andreas Schleicher’s keynote address at the conference. With the success that we have achieved as a fraternity, I am now even more convinced that this is the way to ensure our students’ ability to thrive in this VUCA environment.  

We need to encourage students to take risks, learn from mistakes and strive for success no matter how hard a task may seem. If our students know the power of “yet”, even when they don’t know how to do something, they will remind themselves that they simply don’t know how to do it yet. But with persistence, reflectiveness and hard work, they can and will overcome their obstacles, and scale to their peaks of excellence! 

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