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Local Evidence Synthesis on Teacher Learning

How can teachers learn, grow, and develop professionally? Here are some inspiring ideas to explore!🌱


  • The article presents research findings on teacher learning (TL) within Singapore’s educational context.
  • TL refers to the process through which educators develop their knowledge, skills, and competencies to improve their teaching practices and enhance student learning outcomes.
  • Key Insights
    • Collaborative research promotes TL by encouraging exploration of new pedagogies, re-evaluation of practices, fostering mindset shifts and promoting formative instructional practices.
    • TL flourishes when there is teacher agency, support for emotional well-being, and global education awareness.
  • Key Recommendations
    • Improve, support, and sustain current methods of professional development.
    • Promote teacher well-being by addressing challenges faced by teachers.
    • Refine evaluation systems to balance accountability with teacher autonomy.


    Local evidence synthesis (LES) on Teacher Learning

    Overview of Teacher Learning

    Insight 1: Engaging in collaborative research

    Insight 2: Change in mindset and focus on formative instructional practices


    Insight 3: Teacher agency, emotional well-being,
    and global education awareness

    Recommendations for system improvement


    Research gaps in our local corpus

    Question-Icon Further resources

    1. Learning to THINK
    2. Nonlinear Pedagogy: Encouraging Exploratory Learning in Physical Education (PE)
    3. Cognitive Coaching for Higher Self-efficacy in Teachers
    4. What Makes Teachers Tick?
    5. How Can Teachers Carry Out AfL?
    6. Assessment for Learning (AfL) in Singapore Secondary Schools: Case Studies of Professional Learning
    7. Knowledge Building Communities (KBC) for Leadership and Professional Development of Teachers
    8. Teachers as Collaborative Designers of Learning


    To access the full LES:

    1. LES on Teacher Learning

    Question-Icon Research synthesis team



    The LES on Teacher Learning involves 62 studies funded by the Education Research Funding Programme (ERFP) and administered by the Office for Research (OfR), formerly Office of Education Research (OER). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Singapore MOE and NIE.

    This knowledge resource was extracted and reconstructed from the LES, with approval from the authors, and presented by Ms Tan Jing Ting on 26 December 2024.

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