issue 90 sep 2024

Rethinking Education with Progressive Pedagogies

As society transforms at an unprecedented pace, education must keep up with the demands of a more complex and interconnected world. While traditional didactic teaching methods have laid a strong and valuable foundation, they may not fully prepare students for the multifaceted challenges of the future. This issue of SingTeach focuses on Progressive Education, an approach that reimagines education to centre around the learner, fostering critical thinking, civic literacy, collaboration and adaptability.

Progressive education emphasizes active learning, inquiry-based approaches, and nurturing a deep connection between students and the world around them. As Singapore continues to develop as a global hub of innovation and creativity, it is essential that we equip both teachers and learners with the knowledge and competencies necessary to thrive in an increasingly complex, unpredictable future. The emphasis of progressive pedagogy is not just on knowledge acquisition, but also on cultivating skills that will empower students to solve real-world problems, think critically and engage meaningfully with their communities.

This issue of SingTeach explores how educators in Singapore are embracing alternative assessments and experiential learning to enrich the classroom experience. It also examines the role of technology in education and the importance of fostering emotional connections with students, which remains a cornerstone of progressive pedagogy.

Through the lens of educators and researchers who are at the forefront of this pedagogical approach, this collection of articles will dive into the innovative practices shaping the future of education. From research-practice partnerships to community engagement, each article sheds light on the progressive shifts that are making education more dynamic, inclusive and future-ready.

As you read through this issue, I hope you will be inspired by the possibilities that progressive pedagogies hold for transforming the way we teach and learn. Let’s continue to engage and empower our students in their learning, preparing them not just for exams, but for life.

Associate Professor Chua Bee Leng
Chief Learning & Innovations Officer
National Institute of Education, Singapore

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