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Local Evidence Synthesis on 21st Century Competencies

Can students really excel in both academics and essential life skills? Uncover strategies for fostering 21st Century competencies💡


  • The article presents research findings on the teaching and learning of 21st Century competencies (21CCs) in Singapore’s educational context.
  • It emphasises the importance of 21CCs, which include cognitive, intrapersonal, and interpersonal skills, for success in contemporary work and life.
  • Through various studies funded between 2009 and 2018, effective strategies have been identified, such as fostering positive teacher attitudes, designing formative assessments, promoting collaborative learning, and leveraging ICT tools.
  • The article concludes with recommendations for fostering 21CC development among students and teachers and identifies research gaps for future exploration, aiming to inform policy and practice.


    Local evidence synthesis (LES) on teaching and learning of 21st Century competencies

    Overview of 21st Century Competencies

    21CCs enabler: Teacher dispositions

    21CCs enabler: Lesson designs

    21CCs enabler: Whole-school approaches

    Strategies for developing 21CCs and subject domain mastery

    Recommendations for system improvement

    Research gaps in our local corpus

    Question-Icon Further resources

    1. Flipping the Paradigm of Science Learning with Flipped Team-Based Learning
    2. MyCLOUD: Learning Chinese in a Seamless Learning Environment
    3. LES on Teaching and Learning 21st Century Competencies: Whole School Approaches Develop Students’ 21CCs (Page 18)
    4. STEM-Based Problem-Solving: Strengthening STEM Instruction through Student-Centred Approaches
    5. Design-Based Inquiry: Promoting Inquiry through Better Task Design
    6. Stirring the Spirit of Inquiry 
    7. Productive Failure: Leveraging Students’ Ideas, Making the Learning Process Productive
    8. Socio-Emotional Learning Intervention: The Youth-Theory of Mind (Y-ToM) Tool
    9. CoVAA (Collaborative Video-Based Annotation and Analytics)
    10. WiREAD+: Reading Collaboratively With Critical Lenses


    To access the full LES:

    1. LES on Teaching and Learning 21st Century Competencies: Whole School Approaches Develop Students’ 21CCs

    Question-Icon Research synthesis team

    • Dr Elizabeth Koh, Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice (CRPP), Office of Education Research (OER), NIE.
    • Dr Caleon Imelda Santos, Partnerships, Office of Education Research, NIE.
    • Dr Roberto de Roock (formerly of NIE).



    The LES on Teaching and Learning 21st Century Competencies involves 119 studies funded by the Education Research Funding Programme (ERFP), MOE Academic Fund (MAF) and eduLab and administered by the Office of Education Research (OER). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Singapore MOE and NIE.

    This knowledge resource was extracted and reconstructed from the LES, with approval from the authors, and presented by Ms Radiah Maria Belak on 5 August 2024.

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