issue 84 mar 2023

Advancing Education Research

How has education research evolved in Singapore? In 2002, NIE’s Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice (CRPP) was launched, with the goal of advancing knowledge that raises the quality of teaching and learning, not just in Singapore but also the wider educational community. Since then, two other education research centres have been set up the Centre for Research in Child Development, which focuses on children development and learning, and the Science of Learning in Education Centre, which brings together several research disciplines, including neuroscience, cognitive science, psychology, technology and education. Coordinated by NIE’s Office of Education Research, the three education research centres are testament to NIE’s firm commitment to be at the forefront of education research in Singapore and beyond.

This issue of SingTeach features interviews with important stakeholders in Singapore’s education research landscape, including a policymaker, a teacher and NIE education researchers. We highlight how education research has, and will, impact how students learn and teachers teach.

We hope that you, readers, will gain important takeaways from this issue, including a better understanding of NIE’s efforts in strengthening the bridge between research, policy and practice. We also hope that you will be more inspired to partake in education research projects that can further develop and enhance your teaching practices. Let us be reminded of the ultimate goal of education and education research, that is to maximize learning outcomes for all students and to support their success in school and beyond.

SingTeach Editorial Team
Office of Education Research
National Institute of Education

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