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Overcome logistical challenges and mentor limitations: How Collaborative Video Annotation and Analytics (CoVAA) revolutionised PE teachers’ professional growth.

Collaborative Video Annotation and Analytics Environment to Enhance Blended Teacher Professional Development (CoVAAPD) in Physical Education

  How CoVAAPD Can Help Teachers? 

Check out PD facilitation principles and guide. 

What is CoVAAPD

CoVAAPD is a web-based collaborative video annotation and analytics environment for enhancing blended teacher professional development (PD) in PE. It was developed to address the constraints of needing a mentor to be physically present for every lesson observation/post-lesson feedback session and the logistical challenge of coordinating teaching/lesson schedules with other teachers for undertaking collaborative practitioner reflection beyond one pair of teacher-mentor.

CoVAAPD combines three approaches to teacher professional development:

  1. integrating collaborative learning in professional development for reflective practice
  2. the use of video annotation tools
  3. leveraging learning analytics


Features of the CoVAAPD system

  • A space for teachers to upload videos (video content pages)
  • Timepoint-based annotations for focused and collaborative discussions
  • Discussions guided by pedagogical scaffolds/tags
  • Archived records of annotations/ discussions
  • Teacher dashboard providing feedback of discussions
  • Lesson activity timer


  1. Enhances teachers’ collaborative practitioner reflection with general trends of usefulness of CoVAAPD
  2. Provides an in-depth perspective on teachers/mentors’ perceptions, experiences and accounts of using CoVAAPD.

How Was the Research Carried Out? 

CoVAAPD adopts a mixed methods design-based implementation research approach for three trial cycles with iterative re-design or enhancement of the system. Surveys, interviews and observational fieldnotes were carried out. The study involved 67 teachers (45 teachers from 4 primary schools and 2 secondary schools and 22 pre-service teachers from 1 NIE course). Teachers were the primary focus of the study, while mentors implemented the PD workshops.


Evidence from CoVAAPD




 What Does This Mean for Teacher PD?

  • A PD facilitation principles and guide with fully online and blended considerations:
    • recommends a three-session workshop format with respective tips for online or blended implementations


Question-Icon  Related Links


CoVAA, a prior version of this project, was implemented with secondary school students. For more information:

Question-Icon  Further Readings

Chian, L. K. Z., Phan, J., Koh, E., Jonathan, C., Tay, S. H., Tan, J. P-L. & Kok, S. H. (2021, June 7-10). A Collaborative Video Annotation and Analytics Environment for Teacher Professional Development (CoVAAPD) in Physical Education [Abstract]. In Book of Abstracts: 2021 AIESEP Scientific Conference (pp. 275). University of Alberta, McGill University. 

Tan, J. P.-L., Koh, E., Noriff Elyn Mohamed Ariffin, Teo, E. Z., Tay, S. H., & Shyam Singh. (2018). A collaborative video annotation and analytics environment (CoVAA) intervention: User experiences and reflections of teacher-practitioners. In J. C. Yang, M. Chang, L.-H. Wong & M. M. T. Rodrigo (Eds.), Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE) 2018 (pp. 706-714). Manila, Philippines: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE). 

Question-Icon  Research Projects

The following projects are associated with CoVAAPD:

Development and Use of a Web-Based Collaborative Video Annotation and Analytics Environment to Enhance Blended Teacher Professional Development (CoVAAPD) in Physical Education

Using a Collaborative Video Annotation and Analytics Environment (CoVAA) to Enhance Flipped Classroom Pedagogical Practice and Foster Students’ Conceptual Understanding, Social Knowledge Construction and Self-Regulated Learning

Question-Icon Research Team

To learn more about this research, please contact Dr Elizabeth Koh at

Principal Investigator

Co-Principal Investigators

  • Ms PHAN Swee Lee Joanna, MOE
  • Dr CHIAN Lit Khoon, Physical Education & Sports Science (PESS), NIE


  • Dr CHOW Jia Yi, PESS, Office of Teacher Education (OTE), NIE
  • Dr Jennifer TAN Pei-Ling (formerly of NIE)
  • Ms Melanie Ann MARTENS, MOE
  • Ms TAY Siu Hua, MOE

Research Assistant

  • Ms Christin JONATHAN, OER, NIE

Software Engineers

  • Ms Shi Hui KOK (formerly of NIE)
  • Mr FOO Piau Ming (formerly of NIE)
  • Mr Simon YANG (formerly of NIE)


CoVAAPD was funded by Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) under the MOE Academies Funding Programme (project no. AFD 07/17 TPL) and administered by National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Singapore MOE and NIE.

This knowledge resource was written by Ms Christin Jonathan and Dr Elizabeth Koh, with input from Ms Monica Lim and Dr Lynn Chiam as of 22 April 2022.

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