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LES on Why School Leadership Matters

Lead the way: Effective school leaders serve as culture builders, instruction providers and harnessers of people and resources.

Insights and Recommendations on School Leadership

 Summary of LES


Instructional leadership is a prominent feature of Singapore education system, and it should remain as the primary leadership model to

  • support pedagogical developments and innovations
  • achieve a diverse set of student learning outcomes
  • meet future demands of the nation’s society and economy


Key findings

Effective school leaders

  • build school cultures that support teacher agency, learning and explorations
  • distribute instructional leadership to all, including middle managers, formal and informal teacher leaders
  • leverage people and resources at multiple ecological levels to sustain curricular innovations and build leadership capacity



School leaders are recommended to:

  • engage teachers in policy interpretation and implementation in the context of their school’s vision, mission and objectives
  • support collaborative teacher learning which engages teachers in reflective dialogue and pedagogical experimentations
  • mobilise resources and partnerships at the cluster, ministry and national levels

Infographic Summary

Question-Icon Research Synthesis Team


To learn more about this research synthesis, please contact the Principal Author(s) at:

  • Dr Jeanne Ho (formerly of NIE)
  • Dr Hairon Salleh at, Office of Graduate Studies and Professional Learning (GPL), Policy, Curriculum and Leadership (PCL), NIE
  • Dr Chua Puay Huat (formerly of NIE)

Question-Icon Research Synthesis Method


  • A synthesis of 31 studies, taking place between 2010 and 2018, provided statistical information, explanations and investigative insights on the current status of school leadership situation in Singapore

Question-Icon Related Links & References




The LES on School Leadership involves 29 studies funded by the Education Research Funding Programme, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and 2 eduLab studies funded by Ministry of Education and administered by Office of Education research (OER). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Singapore MOE and NIE.

This knowledge resource was developed by Ms Shruthilaya Ramachandran and Ms Monica Lim with approval from the Principal Author, Dr Jeanne HO Marie Pau Yuen as of 28 October 2021; updated by Ms Monica Lim on 4 January 2022.

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