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iMAGINE: Math Game-based Interventions in Neural-Informed education

How do we allow students to explore their own solutions to math problems before teaching the “correct” solution?

Math Game-Based Interventions in Neural-Informed Education

How Can iMAGINE Help Your Students?

  • Significance I: Identifying at-risk learning mechanisms of low progress math
  • Significance II: Research evidence on the efficacy of neural-informed games to remediate math numeracy struggles 
  • Significance III: Development of a neural-based theory of math learning, which is novel in mainstream Singapore schools



The iMAGINE project was motivated by the trend over the past two decades which showed a consistent 15% of students who were unable to obtain a pass (C grade and above) for their Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). The iMAGINE project addresses this matter of mitigating challenges in mathematics learning, especially for learners who continue to struggle despite multi-pronged behavioural interventions in schools. 

Significance of the iMAGINE project

This study involves the characterization of individual differences in low-progress and at-risk math. This helps us to understand the connection between behavioural, emotion regulation and brain functions with implications on tailoring relevant interventions to bridge the achievement gaps and predict mathematics dysfunction before it compounds into future lifelong struggles.

Theory and key findings

Theory: This study is grounded in digital game-based learning and cognitive neuroscience in addressing low-progress math achievement.

Key findings: Neural-informed digital games show promise in mitigating challenges faced by mathematics learners by improving their accuracy and fluency in solving math questions.


How Was the Research Carried Out?

iMAGINE was carried out in two phases.

Phase 1: Characterization of underlying behavioural & neural mechanisms

 This involved the assessment of core competencies involved in early math learning and development, such as executive functioning (i.e. working memory, flexible thinking and self-control), the ability to estimate and compare the sizes of numbers, and socio-emotional factors such as math anxiety. Brain activity was also examined using neural-imaging equipment and techniques.

Phase 2: Intervention using neural-informed digital games

A digital game, Number Beads (Laurillard, 2016) was implemented, targeting students’ foundational numeracy development concepts such as “numbers as sets”.

Both phases of the research were carried out in classroom settings with interviews conducted with the teachers to understand the impact on math learning of the participating students.

(*A new neural-informed digital game, Fun Rods, was also developed targeting students’ understanding of Fractions.)


 How Number Beads Work as a Learning Tool

The Number Beads interface features a target set of beads located at the top of the screen, and the player is tasked to either split or join the sets of beads given in order to achieve the target (See Figure 1).

Figure 1. Screenshot of Number Beads interface to achieve Target of 2 beads

The players are able to explore different combinations on how to achieve the target set, and the game provides intrinsic feedback to help players work toward the target, by showing how a particular set of beads can be obtained from the set of beads given.

Benefits of Number Beads as a learning tool:

  • Significantly improve students’ math fluency and accuracy
  • Help students of varying math ability – especially for at-risk or low-progressing math students





Question-Icon Evidence from iMAGINE


Significance I: Identifying and nuancing at-risk learning mechanisms of low progress math learner population

A strong link between cognitive and affective measures of executive functioning and anxiety with low math performance highlight the importance of rethinking:

  • categorizations of math performance, that is not only based on academic outcomes, but also linked to other cognitive or socio-emotional factors
  • remediation programs that focuses on not just math performance outcomes, but also a holistic consideration of students’ cognitive and affective development

A clear typology of underlying math struggles can help teachers:

  • understand personalized intervention better and
  • identify students with specific mathematical learning differences


Significance II: Research evidence on the efficacy of neural-informed games to remediate math numeracy struggles

Through randomized trials, positive impacts (improved accuracy and fluency) from the topical intervention on Number Sensing using the neural-informed game, Number Beads, has provided evidence for the use of games to help students who have been struggling with math concepts.


Significance III: Development of a neural-based theory of math learning, which is novel in mainstream Singapore schools

Little is known about the neural mechanisms that mediate acquisition of math competencies and mitigation of persistent math struggles.

This study found:

  • differences in brain activation and resting state functional connectivity before and after math gameplay.  
  • use brain data as a sensitive assessment marker of math learning, particularly in cases of covert and persistent math struggles.


Expected future outcomes

The findings facilitate a more nuanced approach to identify specific mathematics learning difficulties from a heterogeneous sample of math at-risk children

Type-specific interventions, can be co-designed, between researchers and practitioners to:

  • improve cognitive competencies and affective dispositions
  • optimize learning potential
  • develop holistic well-being of the learner
  • shift from traditional and undue focus on math skills remediation


While the ‘science’ behind different brain interconnections might not have direct implications for the classroom as yet, this information is useful for:

  • the holistic understanding of math education,
  • suggesting the optimal focus for further remediation of continual struggling math learners.


In this study, the information is used to design, and test neural-informed math game-based interventions based on the respective hypotheses and inferences for intervention studies. The scientific information facilitated research that allows us to test for the ‘dose-response relationships’ (Goswami, 2008), that is, if a particular designed game shows reliable correlations with positive math performance, then receiving more (or less) ‘doses’ should increase the performance effect.

(*The research team is continuing the line of game-based intervention studies, through the PIs in other projects.)


How iMAGINE Can Enhance Classroom Teaching


  • Identifying students’ individual differences through the characterisation of underlying behaviours and neural data
    • Enables teachers to improve their facilitation of learning, targeting on weaker areas.
  • Using neural-informed games
    • Provide students with self-directed exploration of mathematics concepts that are adaptive to their learning needs.


Question-Icon Related Links

Question-Icon Further Readings



How can teachers get started?
Teachers can email Asst. Prof. Azilawati Jamaludin at or the project team at

Additionally, here are some papers which teachers can read for more information regarding similar studies:


Question-Icon Research Projects


The following NIE projects are associated with iMAGINE


Question-Icon Research Team


To learn more about this research, please contact the iMAGINE team at

Principal Investigator

Asst. Prof. Azilawati JAMALUDIN, Learning Sciences and Assessment (LSA), Office of Education Research (OER), NIE

Co-Principal Investigators


  • Mdm KOH Yah Hui, Curriculum Planning and Development Division (CPDD), MOE


  • Prof. Brian BUTTERWORTH, University College of London (UCL)
  • Prof. Diana LAURILLARD, UCL


  • Dr TAN Aik Lim, OER, NIE
  • Mr HEW Fook Ming Daryll (formerly of NIE)
  • Ms KWAN Kang Ling Michelle (formerly of NIE)
  • Ms LIM Pei Xuan (formerly of NIE)
  • Mr NG Chen Kian (formerly of NIE)
  • Ms TAN Yong Ling (formerly of NIE)
  • Ms YEO Wan Ting (formerly of NIE)




This research was funded by the Singapore National Research Foundation (NRF) under the Science of Learning Initiative (NRF2016-SOL002-003). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NRF or NIE.

This knowledge resource was written by Asst Prof. Azilawati Jamaludin and Dr Tan Aik Lim, with input from Ms Monica Lim and Ms Lorraine Ow as of 15 July 2021; updated by Ms Monica Lim on 4 January 2022.

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