Guest Editor's Note
issue 64 mar 2018

Issue 64 Guest Editors’ Note

Guest Editors Dr Jennifer Pei-Ling Tan and Dr Imelda Caleon

Well-being refers to the state, condition or accomplishment of feeling good and functioning well, for both individuals and groups. It is about experiencing positive emotions and life satisfaction, being engaged in chosen activities, having positive relationships, and living a life oriented towards growth, meaning and purpose.

In this issue, we feature voices from researchers, teachers and school leaders that resonate towards one common goal – to cultivate wellbeing in schools.

We showcase insights drawn from three NIE studies that focus on some of the key elements of well-being – sense of purpose, engagement, positive relationships and positive emotional dispositions. One researcher examines the ways in which our Singaporean youth construct meaning and purpose in life. Another researcher explores the power of teacher language in creating a positive classroom climate to improve academic engagement and performance of students. The third NIE research study presents effective strategies to nurture students’ gratitude and hope, and explicates how such strategies impact students’ well-being and academic outcomes.

Creating a positive environment is essential to students’ well-being and development. Teachers who advocate positive education share about approaches and principles to create a positive classroom culture. They underscore the importance of instilling joy of learning among students and creating opportunities for students to savour their strengths and build positive social connections. School leaders also detail their journeys toward establishing and maintaining a school culture that value both academic excellence and well-being, engaging not only members of the school staff, but also parents. For the parents, a former teacher shares about her three-pronged approach to positive parenting that pays attention to the self, environment and tools.

The rest of the issue offers experience-based tips on how to create a positive and engaging classroom, develop resilience, and use visualization in teaching.

We hope that this issue opens up an important educational dialogue and inspire readers to plant and nurture seeds of well-being to help students lead a thriving and meaningful life!

Dr Imelda Caleon & Dr Jennifer Pei-Ling Tan

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