Teacher Ed
Issue 24 May / Jun 2010

Reflection: Thinking about Doing

Much has been said about the value of reflection. But how can it be effectively put into practice? Meet Mr and Mrs Gerald Wong, a couple who are committed to the practice of reflective teaching. They share with us how they have made reflection a part of their lives.

Article highlights
  • Is there more than one way to practise reflection?
  • What are some benefits of reflective teaching?
  • How can reflection bridge the theory-practice gap?

Gerald and Elaine Wong are both busy teachers. Gerald teaches Physics in a junior college; he is in his second year of service. Elaine has been teaching in a primary school for 5 years, and is currently enrolled in NIE’s Management and Leadership in Schools (MLS) course.

Gerald and Elaine have discovered that learning does not come so much from our experiences as from the reflection about these experiences (Low, Taylor, Joseph, & Atienza, 2009). They have found a number of useful ways to put this concept of reflection into actual practice.

A Personal Practice

Elaine practises reflection as part of a personal and professional discipline.

Every Friday afternoon, she schedules time to reflect on her classroom teaching even as she plans her lessons for the next week. While this is required by the school, she relishes the opportunity to take time out to think about her teaching.

She also keeps a journal of her own personal reflections, which she pens 2-3 times a week. “I feel that it’s good to sometimes ask yourself why you are teaching. Also because teaching is sometimes quite hectic, and as you deal with certain events or students, you need to think deeper about lessons learnt from each day’s encounters.”

In the MLS course, Elaine is learning how to engage in a deeper level of reflective teaching. “I used to journal my feelings. But for the course, I have to synthesize what I’m learning in my reflections. It’s looking at issues and applying theories that I’ve learnt, to come up with views and to see how I can be a better leader or teacher in that area.”

Growing through Interacting

Reflection can also take place in interaction with others.

Gerald has found it useful to interact with someone more senior about his teaching experience. He submits his reflections on a weekly basis to his subject head, who then comments on what he has written.

For his reflections, Gerald uses a format prescribed by his college. The teachers are encouraged to reflect on focus areas that are aligned with the core competencies of the EPMS, such as teaching and learning, pastoral care and well-being, and professional development.

Gerald admits that he was initially resistant to the idea of reflections being formalized and made mandatory. But this year, he decided to be more diligent and deliberate about it. He sets aside at least half an hour on Friday afternoons, and makes sure he reflects meaningfully on at least two focus areas, instead of simply listing activities.

Gerald has found the process helpful to his growth as a teacher. He especially appreciates the responses by his subject head. These are usually honest comments penned in the margins of his reflections.

“Actually it takes some experience to reflect. It takes quite a bit of practice, otherwise you end up getting stuck – you see something happening but you cannot draw the next conclusion. I think that’s where the interaction helps.”

Gerald has gone one step further, by ensuring that his reflections don’t stop there. He tries to come up with concrete action plans to redress the issues he’s thinking about. Three questions guide his reflections: “What?”, “So what?” and “Now what?”

A Model of Reflective Teaching
Reflection is identified as one of the core practices for strengthening the theory-practice nexus – the gap between what is learnt in teacher education programmes and its effective practice in the classroom (see Recommendation 3 of the TE21 report, Low et al., 2009).

While the importance of reflection is not new to education, the techniques of reflective practice are relatively recent. Here’s a useful model for structuring your reflections:

  • Observe What happened?
  • Reflect Why?
  • Plan So what?
  • Act Now what?

This cyclical process facilitates reflection in action and on action. Practised over time, as a planned and structured exercise, it helps to build personal-professional knowledge.

Figure 1. Reflective Teaching Model (Low et al., 2009, p. 72).

As a couple, Gerald and Elaine also take time each day to interact with each other about their day and the challenges they face on the job. These “verbal reflections” have become part of their daily interactions.

They make a conscious effort draw conclusions and not just complain about their day. Though Elaine may have been teaching for longer, she says Gerald helps her to see issues from a different perspective.

Gerald’s Reflection
Term 1 Week 5
Focus Area: Pastoral Care & Well-being of Students

I started a session with my Civics Group Tomeetto Catchup. It is really for me “to meet to catch up” with each and every one of my students. I call them my “tutees” (disciples in Chinese) because I am their tutor (“shifu”). The purpose of each session to meet to catch up about their lives both in school as well as outside school and I set the tone by asking them how I may help (serve) them. Then I will leave it to each one’s comfort level to share with me.

The second objective which is also stated clearly to my tutees is that this session is to discuss about their plans after JC, e.g., which university and course, what kind of job or even career, their interest and passions. Together with the information about Indicative Grade Profiles from different local universities, I try to advise them. Of course, I mainly facilitate making sure that they make their own decisions about their future. This is important because it allows us to set realistic and achievable targets for their A levels and at the same time, inspire them to dream about their future and goals in life.

So far, I have set a schedule such that each student would meet me on the day of their index number. The response has been good. They have been proactive in arranging to meet me. Even students whom I can only meet the following month because of their day falling on a weekend have made arrangements to join their friends to meet me. Another indicator is the openness of their sharing. Some shared with me their goals while others honestly confessed that they do not know what to do with their lives. Knowing them a bit better will definitely help me be a better Civics and Physics tutor to them, gently guiding them towards their goals. I am starting to catch a glimpse of why and how teachers lead, care for and inspire their students.

A Critical Practice

In planned and structured reflection, what we do is try to mentally restructure an experience or a problem (Korthagen, 2001). Actively reflecting on our own practice can help us see where to improve.

“The reflection helps to anchor me down, to know which direction I should be moving towards,” says Elaine. “Because you hear many voices from different stakeholders, different teachers, different parents – you need to sit down and reflect on what you’re doing, on your principles.”

For Gerald, as a relatively new teacher, he feels it is necessary to interact with someone as part of the process of reflection. “It gets you to organize your thoughts,” he says. “Because as a new teacher, every experience is new, so you tend to be bombarded by a lot of new things.”

Reflection may require quite a bit of time, but Gerald and Elaine believe it is time well spent – and they say it gets easier with more practice.

Korthagen, F. (2001). Learning from practice. In F. Korthagen (Ed.), Linking practice and theory: The pedagogy of realistic teacher education (pp. 32-50). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Low, E. L., Taylor, P. G., Joseph, J., & Atienza, J. C. (Eds.). (2009). A teacher education model for the 21st century. Singapore: National Institute of Education.

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