Issue 3 Jun 2006

Pedagogies: An International Journal

Published quarterly by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates


A friend once said, “Becoming a teacher is like becoming a parent. There are a lot of individual resources out there, and everybody does it differently.”

Indeed, there is no authoritative handbook that tells you how to be a good parent, or a teacher. What individuals engaged in pedagogy need – whether they are teachers, teacher educators or pre-service teachers – is opportunities to reflect on their knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and the skills and strategies that underpin their work.

NIE aims to address this need with its latest publication, Pedagogies: An International Journal. With its first issue released early this year, this journal pushes the boundaries of theory and research by seeking out new paradigms, models and ways of framing education.

At the same time, Pedagogies generates international dialogue among educators and researchers by bringing together emergent and breaking work on all aspects of pedagogy, including classroom teaching and learning in response to changing student needs, curriculum and responses to new knowledge and changing disciplinarity.

Most importantly, the journal does all of this while keeping an eye squarely on that which matters: the everyday teaching and learning in classrooms.

While Pedagogies may not be that step-by-step, how-to guide on being a teacher, it will surely get you to start reflecting on teaching and learning and how you can improve your classroom pedagogy.

To find out more about the journal, please click here.

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