Issue 1 May 2005

New Paradigms for Science Education

Edited by Tan Ai-Girl, Lucille Lee Kam-Wah, Goh Ngoh-Khang & Chia Lian-Sai (2002), Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-047487-8, 232 pages


This collection of journal and conference papers was compiled by a group of committed local researchers, with an emphasis on the teaching of problem solving, and creative teaching of Chemistry at the secondary school level.

Trainee teachers will find this book informative as it provides insights into what is happening in the classrooms and what beginning teachers should expect. Trained teachers can also tap into the range of suggested strategies to deliver science concepts and skills effectively and innovatively.

The best feature of the book is that all studies included are done in Singapore classrooms.

Although most of the studies presented are small-scale, they are commendable attempts by the researchers to address the difficulties and problems faced by teachers.

The direction of Singapore Science Education beyond 2002 is well described in the epilogue. Hints of changes to come and initiatives to expect are included. This book will prepare Science teachers in general, and Chemistry teachers in particular, for challenges in their classrooms.

For more information on this book, please go to

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