Issue 1 May 2005


TeAchnology claims to be “the web portal for educators”. Its bewildering array of resources offers something for everyone, whether you are a pre-school or pre-university teacher, an educator or administrator.


Developed by a team of professional educators, including a cadre of Pre-K to Grade 12 teachers, academics and leading educational consultants, this web resource attempts to infuse technology and teaching.

Useful resources include lesson plansworksheetsrubricseducational games and teacher tools. There are comprehensive sets of tutorials on different themes such as language, arts, science, and social studies which will appeal to both experienced and new teachers.

You are welcome to join the message board and share teaching experiences with fellow educators from around the world. You can also sign up to get free weekly teaching tips via email. Do note, however, that paid membership is required for access to some of the materials.

First-time visitors may find the website difficult to navigate, but it is worth familiarising yourself with the design.

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