Issue 1 May 2005

Asia Pacific Journal of Education

How are Singapore schools making the transition towards research-based innovation and reform? What is the role of the media in National Education? What does hip hop have to do with language education? These are just some of the issues addressed in the latest issue of the Asia Pacific Journal of Education.

The Asia Pacific Journal of Education (APJE) is the flagship scholarly journal of the National Institute of Education. Initiated in 1996, it was recently re-launched as a full-fledged, peer-reviewed, international publication by the Taylor & Francis Group.

As Asia’s leading educational foundation and policy journal, APJE serves as a platform for the critical analysis and review of issues of concern to educators in the region: shifts in educational policy and governance, curriculum and pedagogy, and in the everyday lives and practices of students and teachers.

Issued twice every year, APJE is available online to subscribers at

To find out more about the journal, please click here.

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