Other Resources

Other Resources

The Office for Research at the National Institute of Education, Singapore supports the translation, communication and dissemination of research findings to local stakeholders and the international research community. Apart from SingTeach, OfR also publish the following research-to-practice publications, which are publicly available for download.


NIE Research Brief Series

The NIE Research Brief Series is aimed at research-to-practice translation, that is, the dissemination, implementation and diffusion of research findings that impact policy and practice. This is hoped to inform decisions on education in Singapore.




NIE Working Paper Series

Forward- and outward-looking, the NIE Working Paper Series are conceptualized with a local issue at hand, and will survey international and local state of thought to assemble a principled response appropriate for our context.




OfR Knowledge Bites

Launched in May 2016 by the Office of Education Research (OER) at the National Institute of Education, Singapore, OER Knowledge Bites aims to share education research discussions and issues as seen in the Singapore context. It also serves as a platform for sharing thoughts and concepts of education research with policymakers, educators and the public.




Local Evidence Syntheses (LES)

Local Evidence Syntheses (LES) is a series of publications documenting OER’s research from the 3rd tranche (FY2013 – FY2017), with a focus on local findings and development. This is done through a synthesis of research from key projects undertaken by OER, and the main insights that emerge from them.theses (LES)

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