Knowledge Resource Bank

LES on ICT in Education

Unveil the best ICT (Information and Communications Technology) practices and transform your teaching outcomes with these simple steps.

Exploring Best ICT Practices in Singapore to Impact Teaching and Learning Outcomes

Summary of LES


ICT use is an essential feature of Singapore education system as it

  • supports the needs and well beings of different groups of students
  • transforms and extends the way and context of student learning
  • empowers teachers to learn and innovate adaptively with system support to meet challenges


Key Insights

Effective ICT interventions

  • [Students] Leverage pedagogical practices and student learning supported with ICT
  • [Teachers] Build teachers’ ICT capacity, TPACK skills and negotiation of challenges in their roles as implementers, co-designers and (co-)researchers   
  • Strengthen whole-school engagement and partnership with external stakeholders in the system ecology – supporting teachers’ ICT competence 



ICT leaders are recommended to:

  • Leverage social media for both cross-contextual learning and responsible online behaviours
  • Promote situated-PD for nurturing analytical, reflective and adaptive teaching
  • Create opportunities and allocate time for innovating ideas to solve teaching and learning problems with partnerships
  • Build multi-level leadership capacity for coordinated organization, resource distribution, strategic PD planning and building culture of innovation
  • Support multi-disciplinary research on future-ready smart learning environments with emerging technologies
  • Understand and (re-)design “less formal” or “mixed-formality” ICT experiences for lifelong and self-directed learning

Infographic Summary

Question-Icon Research Synthesis Team


To learn more about this research synthesis, please contact Principal Author(s) at:

Question-Icon Research Synthesis Method


  • A synthesis of 126 studies, taking place between 2010 and 2019, provided statistical information, explanations and investigative insights on the current state of research on techno-pedagogical practices in Singapore. 

Question-Icon Related Links & References



The LES on INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY (ICT) IN EDUCATION involves 66 studies funded by the Education Research Funding Programme, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and 41 EduLab studies and 19 MAF studies funded by Ministry of Education and administered by Office of Education research (OER). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Singapore MOE and NIE.

This knowledge resource was developed by Ms Monica Lim & Ms Shruthilaya Ramachandran with approval from the Principal Author, Dr Peter Seow Sen Kee as of 28 October 2021; updated by Ms Monica Lim on 4 January 2022.

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