Issue 9 Oct 2007

TeacherNet [Editor’s note: TeacherNet is now under the Department for Education].


Battling rebellious students who never give you a break? Faced with difficult issues like bullying and truancy and not sure what to do? Or maybe you’re just sick and tired of the humdrum of school life, and struggling to find fulfilment in what you do? TeacherNet provides some answers.

TeacherNet is a comprehensive UK-based teaching resource website. It carries information on various aspects of teaching and learning as well as links to thousands of other resources.

Under the teaching and learning section, you can find the usual stable of educational strategies and teaching materials, including lesson plans that are subject- and age-specific.

But while most other websites provide primarily teaching resources, TeacherNet acknowledges that there is a lot more to teaching than just classroom materials, and seeks to address the various roles that a teacher has to play.

Here, you will find many resources for learning in out-of-classroom settings. In particular, the section on handling difficult social and pastoral issues in schools may be of interest to teachers:

Need ideas for creating social awareness?
TeacherNet shows how this can be done creatively by helping children become familiarise with local charities and their cause.

Tackling issues pertaining to students’ personal and social lives?
There is advice on issues like bullying, truancy, and managing children with medical conditions in schools, with case studies and substantive research.

Dealing with obesity and eating disorders among students?
TeacherNet provides recommendations for healthy living in the school environment.

Having trouble with rebellious students who absolutely refuse to comply to school rules?
Desperately need help to improve behaviour in schools? TeacherNet helps you identify the right conditions for learning good behaviour in schools.

A distinguishing feature about this website is its focus on the teacher. Recognising the need for teachers to see sustainable development in their career, TeacherNet has resources for professional development to help teachers find renewed passion in their work.

This is a great site for teachers looking to improve on their teaching methods, and also for those seeking to be recharged in their career. New content is being added all the time, including the latest research on education. So do frequent the site for updated information.

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