Issue 3 Jun 2006


We’ve all been told that learning should be fun. Now, here’s a website that can help you do just that!

Gamequarium is an easy-to-navigate portal with loads of links to the world of online learning. While the luminous colours and busy layout may not seem very attractive, you will find a treasure trove of resources if you take the time to look beneath the surface.


This site was created by Diana Dell, an educator of 25 years who believes that teachers need to modify their instructional practices and utilise technology’s power to improve the learning process for students. Thus, Gamequarium aims to organise the Internet for teachers, parents and students, to contribute to this change in the way that our students are educated.

The maths games – Math, Geometry, Fractions, Math Fact Practice – are especially useful, and will keep young (and older) learners occupied for hours on end. Also check out the parallel site, Readquarium, which is devoted to developing literacy skills. The Nifty Thrifty Fifty games, for example, helps students master the use of a list of 50 words containing common roots, prefixes and suffixes.

While most of these online activities are targeted at the primary level, the site also provides links to references resources such as dictionaries and encyclopaedias for students, and resource materials for teachers. This site is definitely worth a visit – especially for teachers who do not want to spend too much time searching the Internet.

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